January 7

Time to Tweet!

I’ve been ‘lurking’ around Twitter for a couple of years now. I enjoy seeing what other educators are writing about and find their links to other blogs and websites very helpful. I’m quite happy to comment in support of the tweets of others, and happily get myself involved in twitter conversations. What I am unsure of is how much I have to offer. And I do get concerned with the idea that the Twittersphere is full of all sorts of commentary, and feel that if we all do it, we might not notice the really profound contributions.

Despite my concerns, I am going to try to share more this year – but no promises! I’ll just see how I go.

If you happen to read this post, I’d love to know your thoughts on Twitter and the multitude of tweets flowing through. Do you share or spend more time reading? If you are a teacher, what do you choose to share? Any advice is welcome!

PS My Twitter handle is @khollow, should you care to follow me!

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